this post-apocalyptic wasteland
Are we breathing through collapsed lungs,
functioning on corrupted livers
and our pulse palpitating through bleeding hearts?
Have we been here before?
Maybe we all have died
and this is our dead bodies we’re trapped in
still lingering in this wasteland.
What were we before
and what were we made of?
Why are we still here?
Is this our purgatory
and are we merely waiting
for another onslaught?
What are we still doing here?
Where have we been
and what have we seen?
Where do we find solace
or is there none?
Maybe we only fool ourselves into thinking
we are capable of finding peace.
What did we do yesterday?
What do we do now?
What do we do tomorrow?
Where do we find the oasis in this barren land
called the human condition.
How can holy waters exist in dunes?
Is the meaning of life to be found
or is it a fairy tale
being told to us every night
so we can keep ourselves from searching
for Atlantis or El Dorado
and so that we may keep ourselves still
because we are bound to be restless.
More a lie than it is a tale,
placebos are embedded in our heads,
being force-fed into our brains
so we may calm our chaos within.
What do we do if it rains
in this godforsaken terrain?
Would that be our oasis?
Would that quench our thirst?
Are we waiting for the end times once again
to wash away our sins and expectations
only to rebuild another world,
to rebuild on the shoulders of Armageddon
so we may welcome
what we call another Genesis
when in truth,
is nothing but
a new kind of inferno.